Envision Conservatory for the
Our Hummingbird Garden in Balboa Park 2015-Present
As a part of Humanities focus on civic engagement with the outside community, Humanities participated in the Adopt a Plot program in Balboa Park along with other Civic organizations from around San Diego. This was a part of the Centennial Celebration of the Panama California Exhibition of 1915
We could not have done this without the help from Councilman Todd Gloria and support of the Friends of Balboa Park.
We designed and planted over 9,000 square feet of Hummingbird friendly plants and trees just east of the Natural History Museum in Balboa Park to adopt and preserve. It became a place for our Graphic novel Spirit Skies come to reality and our Conservatory members to restart the school year.
Designing and planting the garden. 2015


After 2015


Mr. Stiven had this Tarantula Hawk Wasp (photo is actual life size) fly on him. It has the second most painful sting in the world. It didn't sting him.
So we hula hooped.